For this activity, the first step is to acquire a digitally scanned image of a handwritten drawing of a graph from an old science journal:  The graph is a handsketched graph of the schematic frequency spectra of the simple cubic lattice in Mazur and Montroll's 1960 work entitled: Poincare Cycles, Ergodicity, andd irreversibility in Assemblies of Coupled Harmonic Oscillators.
The graph I obtained was tricky since it doesn’t have any tick marks to act as partition between points, save for markers indicating the ω’s. So what I did was to first obtain the origin’s pixel values and the borders of the x and y axes, divide it by 100, in order to obtain the corresponding points. No scaling needs to be done, only translating the axis therefore the pixel values of the origin was all I needed to construct a reconstruction. Origin pixel value is: (43,202) Therefore the formula I used was: (x values - 43) and (202 - y values).
The reconstructed graph had a good fit from the original handsketched graph: (The fit can be compared with one another, using MS Excel, by filling the chart area with the scanned handsketched graph.)
 I give myself 10/10 neutrinos because of the good correspondence between the handsketched graph and the reconstructed one.

Not bad, Paul!
Well done reconstruction.
I have a comment though on your choice of graph. The graph seems to me like a phenomenological illustration rather than one that is based on hard physical values. One use of this exercise (Activity 1) is when you need to make numerical computations using data that there are no numerical tables for. One can extract the actual physical values using image processing.