Activity 2: Area Estimation for Images with Defined Edges
For this activity we first made two white shapes bordered by black background. I made a circle and a rectangle:
Manually, the area of the rectangle is 37824 pixel units since it is 192 x 197 pixel units. The circle's area on the other hand roughly (since there is an error made when making the circle on MS paint) has a diameter of 150 pixel units and therefore using the formula: Area of a circle is equal to pi multiplied to the square of the radius; we get 17671.455.
Using "follow" in Scilab to get the edged pixel values, and "size" to get [the size]. Implementing Green's theorem in Scilab the following values for the rectangle and square can be obtained respectively: 36864 pixel units and 15676 pixel units. Therefore the error for both tries are: 2.54% for the rectangle and 11.29% for the circle.
Thank you to Ed, Ma'am Jing for their patience in trying to help me install Scilab in my laptop (which I failed to do by the way) and for Marge and JC for helping me finish the activity. I give myself 9/10 neutrinos for this activity!
Have you found out about the reason for the disparity?