Thursday, June 26, 2008 |
Activity 3: Image Types and Basic Image Enhancements |
I. Image Types
Browsing the Internet I found interesting True color and Indexed images of butterflies. For the True color image and using "imfinfo" to analyze it:
we get the data: FileName: butterfly.JPG FileSize: 19799 Format: JPEG Width: 300 Height: 270 Depth: 8 StorageType: truecolor NumberOfColors: 0 ResolutionUnit: inch XResolution: 300.000000 YResolution: 300.000000
image from (www.oodleoodle.com)
While for the indexed image which is in grayscale and having bit depth of 8 (ie. colored bit depth is 24 since we would have 8+8+8) we get the data: FileName: butterflybw1.JPG FileSize: 152433 Format: JPEG Width: 1200 Height: 1200 Depth: 8 StorageType: indexed NumberOfColors: 256 ResolutionUnit: inch XResolution: 300.000000 YResolution: 300.000000
II. Histogram, Thresholding, and Application in Measuring Area
Using a scanned image of a door key, we get an image with properties:
FileName: key1.jpg FileSize: 63561 Format: JPEG Width: 967 Height: 819 Depth: 8 StorageType: truecolor NumberOfColors: 0 ResolutionUnit: inch XResolution: 300.000000 YResolution: 300.000000
Cropping the key and obtaining a histogram using Jeric's code in the AP186 Google groups (in the process of making a histogram the image is converted into grayscale, compare true image and grayscale image.): True Image: Gray scale Image: Histogram: From the histogram we observe two peaks and we are particularly interested in the first peak under the domain (0-150) since the second peak in the domain (150-255) is observably defined. In using "im2bw" of Scilab to convert the Gray scale image into binary, I used the threshold value of 110 giving a binary image: Using Green's Theorem from Activity 2 we get an area value of 272542 pixel values while using pixel count we get an area value of 273043 pixel values which gives roughly only 0.18% error! Converting these data into centimeters we get: 13.76 cm^2 using Green's Theorem and 13.79 cm^2 through pixel counting.
A copy of the code I used:
For Histogram:
key=imread('key.JPG'); key=key(:,:,1); imwrite(key(:,:), 'key gs.jpg'); //converts original image to 8 bit Gray scale image key=imread('key gs.jpg'); val=[]; num=[]; counter=1; for i=0:1:255 [x,y]=find(key==i); //finds where the image==i val(counter)=i; num(counter)=length(x); //finds how many pixels has with a value ==i counter=counter+1; end plot(val, num); //gives the histogram
For Green's Theorem and Pixel Count
key=imread('key.JPG'); key=key(:,:,1); imwrite(im(:,:), 'key gs.jpg'); //converts original image to 8 bit Gray scale image key=imread('key gs.jpg'); key=im2bw(key, 110/255); //converts the Gray scale image into a Binary image //key=1*(key==0); //inverts the image //unnecessary in this image's context [x,y]=follow(key); x1=[]; x1(1:length(x)-1)=x(2:length(x)); x1(length(x))=x(1); y1=[]; y1(1:length(y)-1)=y(2:length(y)); y1(length(y))=y(1); area=0.5*abs(sum(x1.*y-y1.*x)) //uses Green’s theorem ta=0; [sx, sy]=size(key); //uses rectangles to find the area for i=1:sy f=find(key(:, i)==1); pixcount=pixcount+max(f)-min(f); end pixcount err=(area-pixcount)/pixcount*100 Acknowledgments:
Thank you for Jeric, Beth, and JC for helping me out with this activity with the codes and their moral support (ie. "Kaya mo 'yan Paul!" Hahaha!). Because of the good result I had in acquiring the image area, I give myself 10/10 neutrinos.
posted by poy @ 11:49 PM |