Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Activity 8: Morphological Operations
The morphology of an image refers to its shape or structure. In image processing, morphological operations are treatments done on binary images, particularly images composed of 1's that form a particular shape (0's represent the background), in order to improve the image or to obtain the desired effect on it. All morphological operations affect the shapes of images; in this activity, we expand and shrink them.

We will use the erode and dilate functions in Scilab for this activity, therefore specifying each command to a corresponding structuring element (since the command won't make sense without one, much like an mkfftfilter without the filter) and we will apply them to simple geometric shapes like: a circle, a cross, a square, a hollow square, and a triangle.

Each of these shapes will be dilated and eroded to different structuring elements: a 4x4 square; a 4x2 horizontal rectangle; a 2x4 horizontal triangle; and a 5x1, 1x5 cross.

Contrasting the Scilab results from my predictions given from what I gathered from Dr. Soriano's lecture and from other internet resources:
1. http://www.ph.tn.tudelft.nl/Courses/FIP/noframes/fip-Morpholo.html
2. http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/dilate.htm
3. http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/erode.htm
Albeit my predictions are "slightly" exaggerated versions of what I want them to show, I included numerical predictions and from there it is safe for me to say that I obtained a good correlation! Yey!


Thank you to Jeric, JC, and Julie for clearing some confusing parts with me. I think I actually understood this activity! I give myself 10/10 neutrinos!

posted by poy @ 9:58 PM  
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